Author Archives: Lynn

The Stress Caused By Chronic Pain

man-in-painChronic pain can be defined as discomfort that carries on for six months or more after the ‘original insult’ is gone. It may be marginalized or misunderstood, especially if the pain is diffuse, and patients can end up searching high and low for some pain relief. The pain coupled with a feeling of helplessness can contribute to depression and anxiety.

It is very important that pain be viewed as the symptom of a whole-body picture, rather than a muscular or nerve problem, alone.

The most important thing to take into account is that when the body is in pain, the body is under stress. When we are in pain, we tense up physically and emotionally.

Chronic stress has many detrimental effects on the body.



Healthy cortisol levels help us adapt to stressful situations. However, if unregulated due to chronic stress, cortisol can cause weight gain, altered immune function, and can cause inflammation


To be stressed is to have a hyper-excited immune system at first; long-term stress leads to a depleted, depressed immune system that makes you more susceptible to chronic illness.


because stress leads to disruption of inflammatory cytokines in the body, which can influence heart disease, allergies, arthritis, autoimmune dysfunction, and other disease-processes.


which in turn affects mood, liver function and skin health especially, though all systems are affected by lack of sleep


In a stressful state of mind, you are more likely to view statements and body language as threatening – especially when you are also in pain

Before you seek medical treatment:


As much as it is possible, have a stretching and/or gentle exercise routine. Exercise releases endorphins, which have pain-killing properties. If pain limits your movement, be as gently active as it is possible to be, or engage in physical therapy.

Water therapy can be particularly helpful if pain is experienced primarily in the joints, or high-impact is a problem for another reason.

For those who have SEID/ME/CFS, pacing and gentle movement is called for, maintaining current activity as much as possible, without pushing past one’s physical limitations. Trust your body and listen to what it tells you.

Exercise should, as much as possible, be part of your pain management.


There are studies that show that those who partake in creative activities feel less stressed than those who do not. There are even some studies that link listening to favored music to decreases in pain perception.

  • TALK to friends, family, or a therapist –

A sympathetic ear can be the best medicine for dealing with stress. Talking about it can’t make the physical pain disappear, but it does make it easier to deal with.

  • BE out in NATURE – take walks

As much as is possible, be outside. When one is always in pain, it can be tempting to stay locked up inside. However, studies have shown that people who spend some of their time in a natural setting feel more peaceful and cheerful. Perhaps this is because they regularly get more Vitamin D! Regardless, as much as your pain allows, get out of the house.


Many underestimate the ability of a waking-sleeping-meals routine and its impact on their lives. Routine can habituate the body to sleep even when slightly uncomfortable. It also has a profound impact on how safe and comfortable we feel within our environment.

Pain Management Key to Dealing with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome affects the muscles and soft tissues. It may be caused by physical trauma, surgery, infection, or excessive psychological stress. More women are affected by fibromyalgia than men.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

  • Chronic muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tension or migraine headaches
  • Jaw and facial tenderness
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Irritable bladder
  • Sensitivity to odors, noise, bright lights, or cold
  • Anxiety or depression

Pain Management

Because of the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, pain management is an important component in treating someone with fibromyalgia. Because of the numerous symptoms, a multidisciplinary approach to pain management should be considered. Psychological measures should be considered along with physical measures because of the anxiety, depression, or stress.

Pain Killers

13OTC painkillers have not been proven to work with someone suffering from fibromyalgia. Patients using OTC pain relief have reported that the pain stayed constant even with taking the OTC pain relievers. Some doctors will prescribe tramadol or codeine. Another prescription painkiller that is very effective is cocodamol 30/500. This is in fact two pain medications in one pill codeine phosphate (which is turned into morphine by liver enzymes) and 500mg of paracetamol (called acetaminophen in the US). Cocodamol is actually the popular name for this generic combination in the UK ,but it exists in many other EU countries too. In Germany, it’s called Paracetamol Comp. You can buy cocodamol online for delivery in the UK or the EU, but not the US.

In addition to pain relievers, many doctors prescribe anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications to fibromyalgia patients. Recently, doctors have been experimenting with prescribing anti-seizure medicines to fibromyalgia patients. Studies have shown that these medications may have some success in relieving pain for someone suffering from fibromyalgia.

Other Methods of Pain Control

images-7In addition to medication or in place of medication, depending on wishes of the patient, other methods of pain control should be attempted with patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Methods for reducing anxiety, stress, or depression should be included. Alternative medicine techniques should be considered along with traditional techniques, as well. For example, yoga or meditation may be helpful. Acupuncture may be a viable source of relief. Studies of acupuncture performed on fibromyalgia demonstrate that this technique is effective with relieving pain for these patients. It’s suggested that this result is due to the bee venom used in acupuncture.

In addition to these methods, pain management for fibromyalgia should consider such methods as massage, TENS, or physical therapy. Whole cryotherapy has been used with fibromyalgia patients, as well. Herbal medicines and vitamin supplements, especially vitamin D, have been suggested, too.

There is Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia

The effects of fibromyalgia can be controlled and reduced with an effective pain management plan that is designed with fibromyalgia in mind. An effective pain management plan for fibromyalgia will not only alleviate the pain, but it will also improve the quality of life for the patient. That is why psychological measures should be included to combat the psychological effects. Cognitive Behavior may be used.

Fibromyalgia is Painful, but It Doesn’t Have to Be

If you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, you should speak to your professional healthcare provider. He or she will be knowledgeable of the various options available to you for pain relief. You may also want to perform the measures that you can perform yourself, such as reducing stress and anxiety through meditation or yoga. Find the pain management plan that works for you.

Effective Ways of Pain Management

spine-injuryPain can be defined as an awkward and intense sensation caused by strong and damaging stimuli caused due to injuries like falling, stabbing, etc., accidents or due to minor to chromic bodily ailments.

Pain is generally abhorred by all of us and we all are in constant look out for ways to avoid physical pain at any cost. But, alas! It is not always possible and we all have to endure pain may be mild and sometimes chronic in our life. It is at this point, pain management comes in. In this article, we will focus on some of the effective as well as natural pain management ways or options.

Pain management can be broadly categorized as:

  1. Noninvasive pain management – This method deals with the treatment of usually mild to moderate type of pain and can be classified as a. Non-invasive no-drug pain management ways which includes- Exercising including yoga, electro-therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, skin heating and cooling.

These techniques are most useful in managing mild to moderate pains like body ache, pain in the muscles or joints.

  1. Non-invasive drug pain management– This method of pain management is also considered a very effective one and includes alleviating mild to moderate pain through consumption of various low risk drugs such as- analgesics, NSAIDS, and opioid painkillers such as codeine phosphate, and dihydrocodeine, and drugs that relax our muscles usually prescribed in case of muscle spasms,  to treat neuropathic and muscle pains.
  1. Invasive pain management techniques: Invasive pain management techniques are used for treating or blocking pain that can be standardized as moderate to severe. This type of pain management method is considered as the most effective way to control pain among the available options.

severe-painInjections are the most common way of invasive drug pain management technique. Amongst others – surgical implantation of pain relieving devices (used for treating acute and painful spinal cord disorders), ablation methods (most common- radio frequency radio ablation) are the various common effective medical pain management techniques usually used in severe and chronic ailments in order to make the patient pain free.

These techniques mainly works by blocking the pain causing nerve in the body and hence blocking its sensation.

Apart from the above mentioned pain control remedies and ways of pain management, natural pain management is also considered very effective. These includes, mediation, hypnosis, acupuncture therapy, behavioral therapy and yoga therapy. The natural pain management techniques are not only effective, but it also improves one’s overall health condition significantly and for better.

Diagnosing Head Injuries And Administering Appropriate Pain Relief

When it comes to diagnosing head injuries and administering appropriate pain relief protocols, recognition of a condition is half the battle. If you experience any of the following, you may have a cause of head trauma.

fallThat said, because head trauma is an umbrella term, you’ll want to examine each of these symptoms and consult your doctor as to what specific condition they fit. One broad distinction that may be made is the distinction between internally and externally-caused or manifested trauma. For example, car crashes, being tackled in a football game, or other such actions which lead to cranial impact is likely to lead to symptoms which are the result of skull damage. That said, a concussion is caused by the brain knocking against the inside of one’s skull, usually as the result of external trauma. That said, the damage is to the brain and therefore internal in nature, and you may not be able to see any external signs.

As a general precaution, if you or a friend have reason to believe severe cranial trauma has happened, you’ll want to call 911 immediately and do everything possible to prevent the patient’s neck or head from moving further.

In addition, when dealing with head trauma and associated cases of pain, you’ll want to be on the lookout for these symptoms in particular:

  • Inability to stand or balance: This can be due to anything from a severe head injury to momentary disorientation and is therefore a symptom which requires contextualizing. While you may use the circumstances previous to your being unable to stand or maintain your balance to determine a likely cause, you should see a doctor to confirm. Generally speaking, a loss of balance in particular could point to trauma relating to those parts of the brain responsible for coordination. If you are literally unable to stand, or otherwise have reason to hear that there is a possibility of paralysis, call a paramedic immediately.
  • Confusion: Now, obviously this symptom should be taken in conjunction with others in order to determine if it is related to head trauma and associated pain or is otherwise the result of something else. To give a worst case scenario, dementia, Alzheimer’s and other memory-based conditions can occur without trauma.
  • Small cuts or bumps: Pain management as it pertains to small cuts, bumps and abrasions can be extremely tricky. You DO NOT want to do anything that could potentially allow water, medicine, or any outside elements to get deep into the skull or—should the injury be bad enough—deeper cranial regions. For soaking up blood with regards to small cuts and bumps, use a cloth, and use a cold pack or ice for bumps, but again, DO NOT pour water or medicine onto the region without a doctor or paramedic’s OK. In addition, in the case of bumps or abrasions, if fragments of skull are poking through the skin, DO NOT place water or cold packs directly on top of the area, but rather to the side of the injury. Above all, move the patient as little as possible, and make sure they have ample head and neck support until paramedics arrive.
  • Headache and Ringing in the Ear: These are both classic symptoms of pain pertaining to head trauma. For a headache, you’ll want to ask a doctor as to what pain management pill or treatment, if any, is safe and likely to be most effective for your particular condition. While it may be tempting to administer over the counter treatments to ease the pain, if you suspect a more serious cranial injury, you’re going to want to keep your system as clear as possible so as not to impair blood work and tests.
  • Loss of Consciousness: Obviously, you do not want to allow someone suffering from head trauma or pain to lose consciousness. This is especially true if the patient has skull fragments sticking out of the skin or has lost a lot of blood.